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Dennis McCurdy's Suck It Up Cupcake
Stop Screwing Yourself and Get The Life You Want

We All Need a Little Push

"Hungry livestock in sight of pasture need a prod."
~ Heraclitus -- "The Enigmatic One, aka The Riddler, 500 BC

What does Heraclitus mean? In his usual, fun-loving way Heraclitus is reminding us that from time to time... oh heck... most of the time, most of us need a Porsche... Well, we need that too... but what I really meant is that we need a push or a prod! (The Porsche thing was either my subconscious mind speaking out or my voice recognition software acting up.)
As I headed towards the end of my journey, the writing my first book Find A Way, my editor asked me to write one more chapter. She wanted a final chapter that gleaned from the experience of writing the book. After explaining to her that people from Brimfield don't glean, I started work on the chapter. Here are a few conclusions I drew.

Getting support, whether through a Mastermind Group, a Goal Buddy, Coach, Teacher, Peers is critical to one's success. We all need support in our endeavors; sometimes if only to confirm that we're going in the right direction, or doing the right things. Sometimes, we need people to shore us up when things are not going so well, as they inevitably do at times. And sometimes we need someone to give us that loving, nurturing, and kind kick in the you-know-where. We all need it; we all get off track from time to time. We need to help and guidance to keep us on the path that we've chosen.
The only way that I can see to do this is to ask someone to be your goal buddy; ask people to join a Mastermind group. You have to make an effort to find or create the group that you need; to find like-minded people who are going in a positive direction. If you're really serious about living the life you want and to getting the most out of your life, find or create a support system for yourself. It is up to you. Start now. Start today to Find A Way.
Find A Way to get the help and the encouragement you need to accomplish your goals and your dreams.
