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Dennis McCurdy's Suck It Up Cupcake
Stop Screwing Yourself and Get The Life You Want


Why write about happiness? I believe happy people are more likely to become successful people. A happy, aka positive, attitude is vital. If you think "I am happy" instead of "I'll be happy when I am successful," you are embracing the power of your life now, in this moment.

Think for a moment. Do you find yourself saying (or thinking) "I'll be happy when______." Fill in the blank and pay close attention to your answer. This is a clue your attitude may be holding you back.

It's not rocket science. Sure, there are writers currently who offer scientific evidence of the affect our attitude has on our physiology and success. Norman Vincent Peale wrote The Power of Positive Thinking in 1952, which has sold more than 20 million copies. This was the first motivational book I read more than 30 years ago. Peale also founded Guideposts Magazine in 1945, which is still in print.

So you want the "Unscientific Secret to Happiness" . . .

  • Be productive, keep busy.
  • Pursue worthwhile goals.
  • Have a life vision, know where you're going and why.
  • Be grateful - this could be the most important secret.
  • Accept obstacles, failures, and mistakes in yourself and others.
  • If you hurt someone, say you're sorry. Forgive yourself and others... for the benefit of both.
  • Avoid making mountains out of mole hills, and do your best to change mountains into mole hills.
  • Meditate, pray, take a quiet walk, sit by a brook - do whatever works for you.
  • Exercise.
  • Help someone (aka Boy Scout motto: "Do a good deed everyday").

There you go, and all without the benefit of a microscope.

~ Dennis