The Greatest Miracle in The World
The Greatest Miracle in The World
~ Og Mandino
"You are a gift; one of a kind. You are capable of great wondrous things! Never demean yourself again! Never settle for the crumbs of life! Never hide your talents, from this day hence!
"Remember the child who says ,"When I am a big boy." But what is that? For the big boy says ,"When I grow up." And the grown up says, "When I am wed." But to be wed, what is that, after all?
"The thought then changes to "When I retire." And then, retirement comes, and he looks back over the landscape traversed; cold-wind sweeps over it and somehow he has missed it all and it is gone.
"Enjoy this day, today...and tomorrow, tomorrow. Count your blessings. Proclaim your rarity .Go another mile. Use wisely your power of choice And one more, to fulfill the other four, do all things with for you, love for all others, and love for me."
~ Og Mandino
~ Dennis