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Dennis McCurdy's Suck It Up Cupcake
Stop Screwing Yourself and Get The Life You Want


I read the following today and thought I would share it with you. It is from a book titled "The New TNT Miraculous Power Within You" written in 1966 by Harold Sherman
Thoughts to Build Into Your Life
What I can picture in my mind, one day I can achieve.
Today is the only time I have. Therefore I will fill it with
satisfying and constructive activities.
Nothing can contribute more vitally to my own
progress then the daily attempt to discover and
remove my own faults and weaknesses
I will always remember that any change in my life
starts with a change in my thinking, because,
"like always attracts like" in the realm of mind.
To live happy and successfully I must maintain
The right mental attitude-the ability to
remain calm and composed and clear minded
under any and all conditions.
Have a great week; it's your choice.

~ Dennis