Have you ever heard someone say, "My energy has been drained?" When people or circumstances sap your energy, . . .
Most of the time it isn't that your goals are too big; it is that they are too small; you under use yourself...
One of my all-time favorites by Marianne Williamson . . .
Simple statement and true...what do I mean by "I get too" you may be asking? . . .
When I was in high school I graduated 8th in my class . . . from the bottom, that is. . . .
Success comes when you are committed and take action;
We all tell stories. We tell stories every day about who we are,. . .
This is a line from Bette Midler's song The Rose. . . .
Here is a special article written by my friend, Margo Chevers... its called 'Surf's Up'....
Success, in all forms, is for the Seekers and the doers; people who look around and decide . . .
One of the hardest things most people have to do is to take that first step . . .
Most of us pay little attention to what we learn every day. Today you may learn a new way . . .
Most successful people will tell you success it isn't about saying, "I can't." It is more often than not a matter of . . .
I read the following today and thought I would share it with you. It is from a book. . .
Success is not a four letter word. Yet many of the things that we need to do to live the life we want . . .
If I don't do it, someone else will. So why not you? . . .
If not now...when? Most of us have postponed or delayed something in our life, or worst just abandoned . . .
My first real job was as a dishwasher at a local restaurant when I was in high school. The restaurant was quite big. . . .
As I talk to people about building a successful life and I watch what they do to manifest that success, I am still amazed how success. . .
Success is something you attract by becoming an "attractive" person. Now, I'm not talking about looks. I'm talking about attitude.
What does Heraclitus mean? In his usual fun-loving way, Heraclitus is reminding us that from time to time . . .
Yes, that's right, Gold Buddy, aka Goal Buddy. Why Gold Buddy? . . .
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-concerning . . .
Are you willing to fail...to make mistakes...to feel embarrassed or look to foolish on occasion...
Hey all,
I had a rip roaring thought to send you this week and then this morning a friend...